Part Load Logistics & Part Load Transport

Check the cost of European delivery and customs clearance.

International freight forwarders - Europe Express
Front side of Curtain Side van - Europe Express

Transporting goods as part loads is the most cost-effective way of shipping smaller consignments between the UK and the EU, Switzerland, and Norway.

If you require quick cargo delivery or collection from a client in the EU, Switzerland, Norway or the UK, you might like to use the part loads transit service from Europe Express. Cargo transported as LTL does not exceed a weight of 1200kg and is packaged on pallets, containers or boxes. This fits into a 3.5-tonne curtain-sider van with a capacity of 20 cubic metres.

Fast and flexible Transport Service

The part load logistics provided by us are not only safe and inexpensive, but also very fast. Our vans can travel at the maximum speed permitted on the European roads: 70 mph in the UK and 140 km/h in most of the EU. Because of their size, the vans are flexible enough to enter narrow city centres and residential driveways.

On average, a part load shipment originating from the UK and destined for central Europe takes 24 hours to complete, including customs clearance. We provide part load transport services on a door-to-door, warehouse-to-warehouse basis.

The efficiency of part load transport & logistics services

Typically for part-load haulage companies, the aggregation of cargo takes place at logistics hubs. From our experience, we know this is not the safest nor the most cost-effective option. At Europe Express, we aggregate orders by collecting them using our own artificially intelligent ‘milk round’ logistics system. Each consignment is loaded and unloaded only once. This process, in effect, reduces the risk of damages during unloading and reloading. It also removes the need for warehouse staff in the supply chain – and makes the process less costly.

A Curtain Side van of Europe Express
A line of trucks waiting for customs clearance on the UK border

What is a part load transport service?

A part load transport, often called ‘less than a truck load’ (LTL), is when we use a single vehicle to transport more than one consignment. It’s an option preferred by most of our customers in Europe because we share the total cost of transportation amongst all participants. So, when a part load shipment comes in, it would not occupy the truck’s entire space, and this is where more than one consignment comes in handy.

Driver Tracking application - Europe Express
Interface of Europe Express Customer Portal

Fast online quotes and real-time vehicle tracking

With our part load transport service, you can track the vehicle’s real-time location while carrying your goods, via the Customer Portal. Part load booking is straightforward at Europe Express. To start, scroll up to the top of this page and use the quotation panel to request an instant computer-generated quote. After you’ve received your quote, you can place an order for tomorrow’s collection. The terms of payment depend on your company’s credit score.

Get a free quote today

Eiffel Tower in Paris, France - Part load UK to France content, Europe Express
Part load UK to France

Part load delivery to France with Europe Express is speedy. We can collect consignments from any part of the UK and deliver them to any part of France within 36 hours. The same applies to consignments moved from France to the UK.

A small town in Ireland - Part load UK to Ireland
Part load UK to Ireland

We complete part load delivery services from the UK to Ireland within 24 hours. Please use the quotation panel on this website to request a quote to find out the precise transfer time. We also offer part load collection in Ireland for fast delivery to the UK.

Rhine-Herne Canal, Germany - From Part load UK to germany content
Part load UK to Germany

Part loads between the UK and Germany take approximately 36 hours to complete. The factors determining the actual time transfer include the distance to travel, and the quality of paperwork for customs clearance that we receive from you. We use similar delivery times, and the same customs clearance process for consignments moved in the opposite direction, from Germany to the UK.

madrid city spain - From Part load UK to Spain content
Part load UK to Spain

Part loads transferred between the UK and Spain take approximately 48 hours to complete. We also offer part load logistics to Gibraltar, and part load delivery to the UK. The cargo collected as part loads varies in size between 1 cubic metre (50kg) to 20 cubic metres (up to 1200kg).

Freight truck driving onto a ferry in Dover

Part load transport service for large and small companies

At Europe Express, we serve a whole range of different sized companies from all over Europe with our part load logistics & european road haulage service. Our clients include large 4PL and 3PL, as well as Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME’s), plus other companies exporting products to and from the EU, mainly in sectors such as:

Air freight
Personal effects

If part load logistics don’t seem to solve your problem, why don’t you read about our ultra-fast international courier service?

More about International Courier Service
A Curtain Side van of Europe Express