What Do You Have to Declare at Customs Clearance in France?

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Navigating Customs Declarations for Imports to France

Understanding French customs declarations is crucial for a smooth arrival. When bringing goods from a country outside the European Union (EU), you’ll need to declare them to customs. This guide explores the two main options for customs declarations in France, helping you navigate the process efficiently.

What Do You Have to Declare at Customs Clearance in France

Learn What You Need to Declare at French Customs – Check Out Our Video Guide!

Moving to France? It’s crucial to understand what items you need to declare at customs to avoid any issues at the border. Suppose you are moving to France with your personal effects or looking to move your commercial goods. In that case, Our comprehensive video guide breaks down everything you need to know about French customs declarations, ensuring you’re well-prepared for your journey. Don’t get caught off guard – watch our video now and travel with confidence, knowing you’re fully informed about what you need to declare at French customs.

Moving your goods to France: Going Through Customs Declaration

To bring goods from a third country to France you must declare these goods to customs. And there are two possible options for customs declarations.

  • Transfer of Residence: This option is ideal if you’re relocating to France. By declaring your belongings as part of a household move, you can potentially be exempt from import duties and Value Added Tax (VAT). However, be prepared to provide proof of residency, such as a residence permit or employment contract.
  • Commercial Import: If you’re not moving to France or are bringing goods for personal use that aren’t considered household items (e.g., second-hand goods), you’ll be considered a commercial importer. This means you’ll be liable for import taxes, including VAT, based on the type and value of the goods.
  • If you are transferring your residence to France, your customs declaration will contain just one commodity code. Now, if you’re moving your goods without transferring your residence, your customs agent will have to list every item that you bring into France separately in a customs declaration and assign a commodity code to each item

    Understanding Commodity Codes: Accuracy Matters

    Commodity codes are crucial for a smooth customs process. These unique identifiers categorize your goods for customs. For a transfer of residence, you might use a single, broad code for your entire household shipment. However, for commercial imports, you’ll need to provide a specific code for each item.

    Assigning the correct commodity code is crucial for a smooth customs clearance experience. Incorrect codes can lead to delays, additional scrutiny, or even penalties. Researching and assigning these codes can be time-consuming, especially for a large shipment. Here are some resources to help:

  • Official French Customs Tariff Database: This online database allows you to search for specific items and find the corresponding commodity code here .
  • Online Resources: Several websites offer searchable databases of commodity codes.
  • Customs Broker: A customs broker can be a valuable asset, especially for complex shipments. They possess the expertise to navigate the intricacies of commodity codes and ensure a smooth customs clearance process.
  • At Europe Express, we can help you with this and more

    Don’t let the customs declarations slow down your moving your goods to France! Get a free quote from Europe Express. We guarantee a smooth arrival for your belongings and help you navigate the process, saving you time and stress. Refer more about our customs clearance for European removals services.